LGBTQ+ Camden
High hate crime statistics tell us being LGBTQ+ in Camden isn't always easy and safe for everyone, and that there's more Camden Giving should do. We're looking for a coalition of businesses who can help us fund and support grassroots LGBTQ+ work in our borough.
Being Queer in Camden
Camden has a larger LGBTQ+ population, in the 2021 census, 17% of Camden residents did not identify at heterosexual in the census (compared with 11% nationally). We also know from the Survey of Londoners that people who are LGBTQ+ are twice as likely as heterosexual Londoners to feel lonely, and 60% say they’ve been treated unfairly over the last 6 months, compared to 35% across all Londoners. We’re proud of Camden for being an inclusive borough, but despite perceptions, there have been 172 homophobic hate crimes reported in Camden over the last year; this is worse than 27 other London boroughs.
The National Picture
Nationally there’s a rise in anti-LGBTQI+ activists, organisations and political leaders, such as Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, as detailed in the State of Hate report compiled by Hope Not Hate.
A Challenging Funding Landscape for LGBTQ+ Charities
We’ve heard from LGBTQ+ by-and-for charities that the fundraising climate is particularly challenging right now, illustrated by the closure of Opening Doors, a Camden-based charity supporting people over the age of 50. There few LGBTQ+-focused funders and many generalist funders under-support LGBTQ+ work. At Camden Giving, around 5% of our community panellists/citizen grantees are LGBTQ+, this isn’t representative and means we are part of the problem. We want to put money into the hands of LGBTQ+ Camdenites to make Camden a more equal place.
An LGBTQ+ Fund for Camden
We hope the creation of an LGBTQ+ Fund will grow grassroots LGBTQ+ activism and community cohesion in Camden. Camden Giving has a strong track record of funding under-funded movements and helping them go on to thrive and attract sources of funding from elsewhere. Creating a stand-alone fund, separate from our other funds, will be a step forward in creating a thriving LGBTQ+ civil society in Camden.
Recruit Panel
On-board Panel
Fund Design
Fund. Opens
Promoting the Fund
Info Sessions
Panel Shortlisting
Project Visits
Funding Decisions
On-going Support
Coffee and Chats
Sharing Learnings
We’re actively looking for businesses who can support the creation of the LGBTQ+ Fund through money, resources or time. If that’s you, or you just want to know more, email natasha@camdengiving.org.uk.