Football kits - Size guide and templates


The football kits are available in a range of sizes. Please ensure that you review the size guide at the bottom of this page.

Kids sizes: YXS, YS, YM, YL, YXL
Adults sizes: S, M, L, XL

Please download a template to specify the sizes that your team requires. The number of kits that you’re able to apply for is determined by the usual format your team plays in.

  • 5-a-side teams will receive a total of 8 kits (1 full GK kit)

  • 7-a-side teams will receive a total of 10 kits (1 full GK kit)

  • 9-a-side teams will receive a total of 12 kits (1 full GK kit)

  • 11-a-side teams will receive a total of 15 kits (2 full GK kits)

We have a variety of templates available (excel, numbers, word) allowing you to chose the most compatible one. You will then need to save the document to upload it back to your online application.